We are delighted to have received 300 abstracts for the Wageningen Soil Conference. From the abstracts accepted for oral presentation we hosted a great line up of fascinating talks and poster pitches in the morning sessions, alongside with 30 masterclasses in the afternoons.
Winners of the WSC2019 Poster Presentations
Aysha Akter
Thahamina Bagum
(Joint Winners)
The role of women in land management and conservation – a case study on rural Bangladesh
Farmers’ Performance on Fertilizer Application in Bangladesh: The Influence of Socio-economic Determinants

Sara Remelli & Fabio Gatti
Soil biodiversity characterization and its hydrodynamic connection in an active landslide complex

Mikhail Gasanov
Influence of humic substances on the transformation and degradation of insecticides in rice fields of Bali island

Michael Löbmann
Assessment of the surface-mat effect and the influence of grassland vegetation on shallow slope stability in mountain habitats

Marie Zwetsloot
A slow path towards measuring root exudate effects on rhizosphere functioning and soil biogeochemical cycles

Nerea Ferrando
Interlinkages between soil and tree health in the urban environment: a Citizen Science EU research project

Carlos Alberto Faúndez Urbina
Water flow in soils with heterogeneous macropore geometries

Kristine Karstens
Soil carbon modeling – in an integrated assessment perspective

Frauke Lindenstruth
Modeling soil moisture under different tillage practices

Instructions and format for oral and poster presentations
Oral presentation:
- Duration: 12 minutes with additional 3 minutes for questions, so max. 15 min.
- For oral presentations please be aware that the screen size is 16:9
- Presentations will be uploaded to the computers in the conference rooms that operate under Windows. We do not allow personal laptops to be used for the presentations.
One-minute oral poster presentation:
- Every poster presenter gets the opportunity to pitch his/her poster in a one-minute talk
- The poster pitches conclude each thematic plenary/parallel session
- After the plenary/parallel sessions pitches presenters can discuss their poster/research with interested colleagues during the poster session (see Programme for exact times)
Poster Session
Instructions on the format of the posters:
- Poster size: A0 (approx. 85 x 120 cm)
- Orientation: Portrait
- We will provide you with pins to fix your poster
More detailed info will be regularly updated on our website.
Special issue “Understanding soil functions: from ped to planet“
In this special issue from the European Journal of Soil Science we will invite papers presented at the Wageningen Soil Conference (2019) and public submission to address the issue of measuring, mapping and evaluating soil functions from ped to planet, with an additional section addressing the synergies and trade-offs which occur between soil functions. The goal of the Wageningen Soil Conference series is to achieve a better understanding of the role of soil in supporting a range of ecosystem services. We consider that the soil contributes to a range of ecosystem services through the provision of five key soil functions; primary productivity, nutrient cycling, habitat for soil biodiversity, water regulation and carbon management for climate regulation. The special issue will follow the conference format with four key topic areas for submission of papers:
- Soil functions for society (land management and policy applications);
- Innovative methods for measuring soil functions (lab, field or sensor technology);
- Modelling & mapping of soil functions across scales (temporal, spatial and social);
- Synergies and trade-offs between soil functions (primary productivity; biodiversity; nutrient cycling; water resources; carbon and climate regulation).
The EJSS Editor in chief Prof Jennifer Dungait will be attending WSC2019 and answering all your question you have about publishing in EJSS.
Details on paper submission dates will be announced closer to the conference.