Thursday 29 August 2019 from 17:00 to 18:30
Lumen building, garden terrace and rooms 1&2
This is your chance to meet some of the #WSC2019 experts and ask them all the questions you can think of! What were the big moments that changed their career? What brought them to specialize in the use of soil functions for policy support, digital soil mapping or innovative methods for investigating microbial soil processes? What do they consider the current research challenges in their field?
To spark the conversation, each expert brought an object that linked to their area of expertise. Participants decided who took the nicest, most surprising and most interesting object. Meanwhile, we provided free drinks, snacks and live music by the Festa Chordis ensemble in an informal setting.
Jetse Stoorvogel

Jannes Stolte

List of Experts
Below you’ll find the list of experts:
Dominique Arrouays
French National Institute for Agricultural Research, France
Digital soil mapping at the global scale
Jantiene Baartsman
Wageningen University & Research, the Netherlands
Soil-related flow and transport processes
Victoria Ballester
Sao Paulo University, Brazil
Landscape ecology
Janna Barel
Wageningen University & Research, the Netherlands
Soil information and quality assessment
Deborah Bossio
The Nature Conservancy, United States of America
Translational science for impact
Rob Comans
Wageningen University & Research, the Netherlands
Soil (geo)chemistry
Peter de Ruiter
University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Soil ecology and soil food webs
Jennifer Dungait
Editor-in-Chief EJSS
Publishing in EJSS
Bert Jan Groenenberg
Wageningen University & Research, the Netherlands
Sustainable soil-water-nutrient-pest management
Mathilde Hagens
Wageningen University & Research, the Netherlands
Soil carbon and climate management
Edith Hammer
Lund University, Sweden
Soilchips, soil microstructure and fungi
Katharina Helming
Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research, Germany
Sustainability impacts of soil management
Thomas Kätterer
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden
C and N cycling in agroecosystems
Titia Mulder
Wageningen University & Research, the Netherlands
Remote and proximal soil sensing
Laura Poggio
ISRIC – World Soil Information, the Netherlands
Digital soil mapping at the global scale
Pytrik Reidsma
Wageningen University & Research, the Netherlands
Sustainability and resilience of farming systems
Tony Reimann
Wageningen University & Research, the Netherlands
Long-term soil and landscape process impacts
Marcus Schmidt
Georg-August University of Goettingen, Germany
Nutrient availability, productivity and nutrient response efficiency
Helena Soinne
Natural Resources Institute, Finland
Agriculture and surface water quality
Jannes Stolte
Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research, Norway
Land degradation and soil erosion
Jetse Stoorvogel
Wageningen University & Research, the Netherlands
Linking and integrating spatial and temporal scales
Brigritta Szabó
Centre for Agricultural Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary
Soil physics
Wim van der Putten
Netherlands Institute of Ecology, the Netherlands
Soil ecology
Karen Vancampenhout
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Soil organic matter and forest soils
Jakob Wallinga
Wageningen University & Research, the Netherlands
Geochronology and landscape dynamics
Marie Zwetsloot
Wageningen University & Research, the Netherlands
Functional diversity and habitat